Saturday, 14 April 2012

Bared to You

Kindle Romance

Author - Bared to You
Title     - Sylvia Day
Stars   - 5

Bared to You:

Gideon and Eva are both casualties of abuse, but when they find they are bizarrely drawn to each other, their association turns out tumultuous, yet exquisite all at the same time.
Gideon is a dominant alpha male. Eva is afraid of losing control. However, she finds herself opening up further and further, which scares her even more. The outcomes is a very shaky relationship, neither knowing what to do or how to cope.

Bared to You is not a cheerful, playful romance. It is about a gritty, rocky road to love. It is high on sexual content, and is so engrossing you probably won’t put it down. Bared to You  will be very suited to aficionados of dark, erotic novels.

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